
How much do I love....

... bank holiday weekends, London, my bicycle? Well today, loads and loads.

I'm very fond of a bank holiday weekend. It means that if I get a bit too trashed on Friday night, I've still got a full two day break, even if Saturday is dominated by a hangover. That said, I'm more a cheap date than party animal these days, so I rarely loose a Saturday in that way - but some feelings are pretty well ingrained.

This Friday was a bit of a mixed bag though. I had a great night out with some of fab colleagues at Notting Hill - it was the "thank-you christmas party" for the crew that organise and work all through the big staff Christmas party. We had a great meal, and I worked my way through all the "green" cocktails on the menu. Seemed as a good a reason as any other. My vote goes to the midori sour, with the mojito coming in a close second. For once, we were being relatively well behaved, and called it a night before it got to hangover inducing stage.... which meant I got home in time for the confirmation of the london mayoral election result.

No prizes for guessing I wasn't exactly chuffed with getting BoJo for the next four years. But, we live in a democracy (thank goodness) and the people have spoken. Let's just hope he appoints some good advisors and doesn't screw up this great city.

I'm so back in love with London. I don't quite know how this happened. For the last year or so, I've been grumping about this city - and trying to work out where to move next. But the malaise has gone. The mayoral election really brought home to me how much I *care* about this city. I got really worked up (still am, but trying to move on) about having someone run it who clearly loves it as much as Ken does.

I particularly loved London today. Lovely sunny day, so a great opportunity to go for a bicycle ride. I wanted to work out how long it would take me to cycle to my new job at JGP in East London. When I realised that JGP were in East London, I groaned. Not that I have anything against East London. Aside from its (lack of) proximity to West London. However, today I realised this could be A Good Thing. The cycle ride there is about 15 miles, and more straightfoward that I thought....

  • Ealing to Hammersmith (mostly along cycle lanes)
  • Hammersmith to Kensington Gardens (again, mostly cycle lanes)
  • Kensington Gardens, Hyde Park, Green Park, St James' Park (the best bit)
  • slightly hairy bit round Trafalgar Sq, Charing Cross, the Strand and Aldwych
  • then through the City and into Whitechapel

Today it took me (and the Sidster) an hour and half, including stops for map-reading and faffing. And that was at a gentle pace, as apparently the bike saddle doesn't accommodate the gentlemans undercarriage very comfortably (!) Should be able to get that down to about an hour and ten when I've got the route nailed and I'm back in the regular cycling habit. I've not been a regular cycling commuter over the winter, so need to get back in shape. I reckon 30 miles a day should turn me into a lean-mean-COO-machine (well, should at least liberate my inner thin person)! Am hoping JGP have a shower, as I'll be a red sweaty beast by the time I arrive.

Cycling through London today just re-invigorated my love-affair with the city. How could I ever have doubted it. Great parks, great architecture, vibrant river, loads of people out doing stuff : going to galleries, cycling, skating, skateboarding, running, playing softball. It's just so alive. Alive with possibilities.


Neil said...

That sounds great. The one advice I have seen with starting longer distance cycle commuting is to try to start with on a day or two a week. Or cycle in and tube back one day, the reverse the next day. i.e. going full-on 5 days a week straight off can be draining and demoralising, so better to build up to it.

I really must try my commute by cycle one day, but we have no showers so it could be interesting...